High Resolution Scanning

Get maximum resolution out of your photos.

Sometimes you need that extra resolution to push to print A0, or maybe for the extra special job requiring the utmost quality. Well, we finally have a service for that! We have adopted a reproduction scanning setup that uses high-resolution optics and a pixel-shifting sensor which rivals a drum scanner.


Format Price
4 x 5
8 x 10


Format Resolution
10000px x 15000px
6 x 4.5 (120)
10000px x 13000px
6 x 6 (120)
10000px x 10000px
6 x 7 (120)
10000px x 12500px
6 x 9 (120)
10000px x 15000px
4 x 5
10000px x 12500px

If you’ve looked around for the best way to scan your film for prints, you may have encountered drum scanning. While drum scanning is, without a doubt, the best way to scan your negatives for maximum resolution, scans using this method can be pricey, and you may have to send your negatives abroad for the best drum scans.

In our search for a cost-effective alternative, we discovered that scanning with a high-end full-frame mirrorless camera can produce comparable results. By including this scanning in our list of services, we aim to offer high-res scans, ideal for large-format digital prints.


The Panasonic S1R is our scanning camera of choice, sporting a full-frame 47.3-megapixel sensor that delivers top-notch images as is. On top of this, we can use the in-built pixel shift technology to create HUGE 187-megapixel images. When printing your film photos at A1 or larger, every little bit of detail helps.

So you may be asking yourself, why wouldn’t I just get a drum scan? Two reasons, this is far more affordable, and the quality is comparable. Don’t believe us? We sent a few test negatives to local, Australian, and American labs offering drum scanning services. We had them scanned on virtual drum scanners (Imacon), real drum scanners (Howtek and Heidelberg Tango) and then our setup. Below is a download link to all the scans we received and ours.

These are 6 x 7, E6 images shot on 120 Fuji Provia film, without sharpening applied.

True Drum Scan
100% Crop
B&W Box Hi Res Scan
100% Crop
Virtual Drum Scan
100% Crop

Download To Scans

If you want to pixel peep yourself, here is a download link to some compairisons we’ve done between different scanning methods 

Need a Hi Resolution Scan?

Get in touch with us today!

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