Film Processing

New Zealand’s film processing specialists! No matter what you shoot, we can process it.

Welcome To Our Lab

No matter what you shoot, we can process it, from the standard formats like 35mm and 120, to more obscure formats such as 110 and APS, to larger formats like 4×5, 5×7, and 8×10.

Click here for our current turnaround times.

Turnaround times may vary depending on the volume of jobs in the lab. When your film is with us ready to be processed, you will receive an email with payment details and a time to expect your scans to be delivered. Ready to get started? Below you will find the many ways you can send us your film.

Development Prices

Scan Dimensions

Big Scans (Standard Option) are supplied in 3600px x 2400px JPEG. Scanned with the Fuji Frontier SP-3000 by default. Perfect for web use or printing up to 8″ x 12″.

Bigger Scans are supplied in 6770px x 4400px JPEG. Scanned with the Noritsu HS-1800 by default. Our bigger scans are when you need that extra resolution push. These can print easily to A3/12″ x 18″+

TIFF Scans are the same resolution as BIGGER scans, provided in an uncompressed TIFF file. These are great if you are wanting to edit your files to get the most out of them.

4 x 5 Standard Scan supplied at 6500px x 5200 px This is scanned using a single shot. No pixel shift. It uses interpolation to fill in neighbourhood pixels, meaning it isn’t a true full-channel capture.

4 x 5 Hi-Res Scan supplied at 12500px x 10000px Scanned using pixel shift. True full-channel RGB capture.

For more infomation on scanning resolution and DPI, we have written a blog post here going over scans in depth.

Format Big
3130 x 2075
3637 x 2433
5444 x 3649
6 x 4.5
3322 x 2433
4824 x 3533
3035 x 2279
6 x 6
2470 x 2433
4832 x 4760
2433 x 2433
3637 x 3637
6 x 7
2982 x 2433
4815 x 5902
3035 x 2433
3649 x 4547
6 x 9
3543 x 2433
4903 x 7139
3637 x 2433
5444 x 3649
6 x 17
15000 x 5028

Contact Sheet Service

This new service is for people who like the aesthetic of contact sheets or want full borders on their images. The beauty is that these files have enormous information and detail, so you can crop in for sharing specific frames. To order, just let the staff know when you drop off or specify on the order form if you use drop-off points or mailing in. We can also do contact sheets from film negatives stored in-house!

The Resolution of these scans is 10000px x 12500px 

Important Tip: Like a traditional contact sheet, we must pick a single exposure for the whole sheet, meaning it works best on rolls with consistent scenarios and exposure.

Mounted Slide Scanning

Old photo resotration, mounted slide scanning in a Noritsu HS-1800.

Mounted Slides are scanned on our Noritsu HS-1800. Each slide is dusted, loaded manually, and scanned one at a time. Colour adjustments and corrections are made to ensure accuracy.

Quantity 1+ 3+ 6+ 11+ 21+ 51+ 101+

Drop & Send Your Film

No matter where you are in your country, we’ve got multiple hassle-free ways to get your film to us; you can use a drop-off point, mail your film or pay us a visit in-store!

Visit Us In-Store

The Black and White Box HQ

127B Newton Road, Eden Terrace, Auckland
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday: Closed

Drop-Off Points

Can’t make it into HQ? No worries – our friends are here to help. You can drop your film to any of these locations that best suit you. Pickups in Auckland are done approximately 2 times a week 

Vixen Vintage Boutique

191 Karangahape Road, Auckland
Monday - Saturday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday: 11:00am - 5:00pm

Mail Your Film

If you’re supporting us from out of town or are too busy to head to the store, you can send your film via mail. Pop your film and order form in packaging of your choice and send it to our address:

The Black and White Box HQ

127B Newton Road
Eden Terrace
Auckland 1051
Phone: 09 525 0289

Please ensure an order form is included in the bag.

Negative Collection

We will keep your negatives on-site for up to one year from the processing date. After this one year period, we have to dispose of them due to logistical and space constraints.

Once a year, when the time comes, we will do our best to announce via email and social media channels to remind customers that the end of a period is coming.

If you need your negatives back, the most straightforward way we recommend is to add this Negative Collection product to your cart, which is $0, so you only pay shipping.

35mm Negatives being cut and sleeved

How We Process

35mm Film Being processed


All colour film is processed in our state-of-the-art Noritsu machine. When we fire it up each morning, we run through a control strip and plot our chemistry values on a graph — ensuring that our chemicals are at their optimum to process your film perfectly!

Jobo ATL-3 Film Processor


All traditional black and white film is processed through our Jobo ATL-3 processor with our chemistry of choice, Kodak HC-110, which we have found to provide the most consistent results with our process. All developer is one shot, meaning each roll uses fresh chemistry, ensuring your film will always come out at its best.

E-6 Slide Film on the light table


We process all of the E-6 in our trusty Jobo using the Bellini 6 Bath E-6 chemistry. This chemistry is the same formula as the iconic Kodak 6 Bath. We have dialled in the times for the Jobo and used the Fuji E-6 Control Strips to monitor the chemistry. Processing is done once a week, currently on Wednesday mornings.

Large Format

We also process all sheet film in the Jobo CPP2 using the expert drum range. All sheet film processing is done using one shot, meaning it is freshly mixed and discarded to ensure perfect development each time. Depending on volumes, we process large format films once to twice a week.

How We Scan

35mm Film being scanned on our Fuji Frontier SP3000

Fuji Frontier SP-3000

Most of our scans are produced on the SP-3000, a state-of-the-art film scanner well known for rendering beautiful tones, dynamic range, and is equipped with in-built infrared dust removal technology. This scanner excels at C-41 Colour Negative scans.

35mm Film being scanned on our Fuji Noritsu HS-1800

Noritsu HS-1800

The Noritsu HS-1800 is the default scanner we use for B&W, E-6 , and 120 film. It has slightly better shadow detail than the Frontier and renders B&W and E-6 film more accurately. 

How It Works:

The Order form you fill out when dropping off film

1: Fill In The Order Form

Use the order form to specify your order details and any finishing touches you like. Order forms will be provided at all drop-off points. Are you mailing your film to our store? Download the form here and include it with your film!

2: Drop or Mail Your Film

No matter where in the country you are we’ve got your processing needs covered. Drop your film off in-store or at any of our drop off points in Auckland. You can also mail us your film!

3: Make a Payment

We want to make payment as simple as possible. You will be sent a link to pay online once your order is in the lab, ready to be processed! Once payment is received, we will process your film and let you know once they are ready to download!

4: Download Your Scans!

Once your photos are scanned and ready to go, you will receive a WeTransfer link where you can download all of your files. If, for some reason, you have not received your link within 24 hours of the due date, check your spam folder and contact us immediately.

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