Over the lock down we’ve been working hard behind the scenes on a few things, and the first thing we’re stoked to announce is that effective immediately we’ll be dropping the prices across almost our entire range of Kodak film stocks!
With the recent Kodak price rises, and the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic and its huge economic effects, it’s quickly becoming more un-affordable for people to shoot film. We’re obviously passionate about film and want people to be able to continue to shoot on the medium they love, and this price drop is a big part of that. So, we’ve been able to negotiate with our Kodak supplier, and have taken a bit of a cut on our margins in order to make this happen.
The core of our business is, and always will be, processing film. With full transparency in mind, we’re hoping that by making film cheaper you’ll be able to continue to shoot film, or shoot more film, and then get it processed with us. Hopefully a win-win for everyone!
We recognise these prices are a pretty small change, especially in the grand scheme of things, and that to many people, shooting film will become a luxury that they’ll probably have to cut back on going forward. However, we also know how important film is to many of us, and we want to continue to try to make it as accessible as possible.
Like I said, we’ve got more exciting things to announce in the very near future, so keep your eyes peeled and your ears open!
Film Price Drop! 04-2020
Over the lock down we’ve been working hard behind the scenes on a few things, and the first thing we’re stoked to announce is that effective immediately we’ll be dropping the prices across almost our entire range of Kodak film stocks!
With the recent Kodak price rises, and the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic and its huge economic effects, it’s quickly becoming more un-affordable for people to shoot film. We’re obviously passionate about film and want people to be able to continue to shoot on the medium they love, and this price drop is a big part of that. So, we’ve been able to negotiate with our Kodak supplier, and have taken a bit of a cut on our margins in order to make this happen.
The core of our business is, and always will be, processing film. With full transparency in mind, we’re hoping that by making film cheaper you’ll be able to continue to shoot film, or shoot more film, and then get it processed with us. Hopefully a win-win for everyone!
We recognise these prices are a pretty small change, especially in the grand scheme of things, and that to many people, shooting film will become a luxury that they’ll probably have to cut back on going forward. However, we also know how important film is to many of us, and we want to continue to try to make it as accessible as possible.
Like I said, we’ve got more exciting things to announce in the very near future, so keep your eyes peeled and your ears open!
Keep staying safe, being kind, and shooting film.
TB&WB Team x